15 Oct 2020
SoColibris & Mindgility - Innovative training to dare professional retraining
There is no shortage of offers to support professional retraining: skills assessments, entrepreneurship support programs, 'upskilling' type support.
It seemed to us that an essential facilitation was missing: that of helping retraining people to DARE with confidence:
- Dare to think differently and open up the field of possibilities
- Dare to exchange, share, ask for help, feedback, and learn together.
- Dare the imbalance, the incompetence essential to any new learning.
- Dare with CONFIDENCE and CONSCIOUSNESS in its resources, its capacities.
And we have dared to develop an innovative educational approach that links the psycho-corporal approach of sophrology and that of neuro-coaching.
An adapted concept, both collective and individual, which includes:
- A collaborative learning space in the form of a user-friendly interactive virtual platform.
- From Lunch & Learn workshops: experiential, with short learning capsules combining neuro-coaching and sophrology approaches for learning and 'learning and learning'.
- A individual coaching follow-up during the training period, tailored to individual needs to boost your development.
- From learning between participants through exchanges, meetings, unforeseen events ...
To find out more: SoColibris page / Osons ensemble en 2021